Since my blog will be about sustainable living, it's important to define what sustainable living means to me and the importance of living a sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable living is a lifestyle where an individual or society tries to minimize the use of the Earth's natural resources and personal resources. People who practice living a sustainable lifestyle attempt to reduce their consumption of natural resources by altering methods of transportation, diet, and energy consumption.
Information is always better understood through firsthand experiences. In the link below there is the "Ecological Footprint Calculator" which is a quiz to find out how many Earth's it would take in order to current lifestyle I live. When I took the quiz, it told me if everyone lived liked me, it would take 6.7 Earths in order to sustain my lifestyle.
Ecological Footprint Calculator Quiz:
I will share some simple and easy ways to change your lifestyle into a more sustainable lifestyle that uses less Earth's and personal resources. The first is REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE. Don't buy plastic water bottles or use plastic bags at the grocery store, rather buy a reusable water bottle and use reusable grocery bags. Reducing amount of waste is the most important part of the 3 R's, since it's the easiest, so be conscious of the amount of waste you produce as an individual.
The next thing to do in order to live a sustainable lifestyle is unplug phone chargers and other appliances when not in use in order to reduce energy consumption. Also, take shorter showers and don't run the water when brushing your teeth in order to reduce the amount of water used. Living a sustainable lifestyle can be challenging, but making minor adjustments to your everyday routine can help save the planet, such as no more plastic water bottles or unplugging appliances when not using.